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Feb 6, 2023
IWESCO offers once-off specialised cleaning services
IWESCO offer several specialised cleaning services that can be arranged as a once-off job for commercial and industrial businesses.

Jul 3, 2021
Your company needs a hygiene response plan
Business owners need to be vigilant and set up a hygiene response plan in order to keep their employees and customers safe from the virus.

Jul 1, 2021
Which industries can benefit from fogging?
One of the cleaning solutions we offer is called fogging. It is most commonly used for widespread disinfection, cleaning and sanitisation.

Jun 23, 2021
IWESCO has been fogging during lockdown
As a certified essential service, IWESCO has been hard at work during the national lockdown in South Africa.

Jun 7, 2021
Is your business clean enough to reopen?
Business owners need to evaluate whether their store, office, warehouse or factory is clean enough for the return of employees.

Jun 2, 2021
Hygiene tips ahead of South Africa's third wave of Covid-19
South Africa will be in the midst of another wave of Covid-19 soon. Here are some useful hygiene tips to keep you safe.

Apr 2, 2021
COVID-19 support to IWESCO customers
IWESCO offer world-class sanitising solutions for businesses - including daily cleaning and disinfecting of offices and shops...

Mar 12, 2021
How to disinfect your home after someone has Covid-19
Personal hygiene may be the key to minimising the spread of Covid-19, but what should you do after someone in your household contracts...

Feb 12, 2021
Three weekly steps for a clean and healthy indoor space
A healthy home is a happy home. The best way to achieve this is to ensure that it remains clean, sanitised and organised. These three...

Dec 7, 2020
Good hygiene practices that should stay after the virus
If any good has come from the global pandemic, it’s that hygiene practices have become heightened and ingrained in the minds of every...

Oct 27, 2020
The differences between disinfecting and cleaning
There are a few differences between disinfecting and cleaning, especially when it comes to slowing down the spread of Covid-19.

Oct 26, 2020
A guide to ‘the new normal' for hygiene in the workplace
‘The new normal’ is a phrase that most of us are familiar with now. It was coined in the midst of Covid-19 to signify a change in life...

Oct 6, 2020
How clean is your office? Facts you may want to know
A professional cleaning company can take office cleanliness to the next level through disinfection, hygiene and sanitisation services.

Aug 26, 2020
Top questions to ask your cleaning and disinfection provider
IWESCO is a certified essential service that offers disinfection, fogging and sanitisation solutions.

Jun 17, 2020
How businesses can ensure the hygiene of employees
Every company should implement a structured approach to hygiene and disinfection. IWESCO is a certified contract cleaning company...
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